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Featuring a wide range of trusted doctors, specialists, and healthcare providers, we make it easy to find the right professional for your unique needs.
ICD insertion is a procedure to implant a device that monitors and treats irregular heart rhythms.
Septicemia is a life-threatening infection causing widespread inflammation, often leading to organ failure and shock.
Sleep disorders disrupt normal sleep patterns, leading to insomnia, fatigue, and potential long-term health issues.
Poly-trauma refers to multiple traumatic injuries often requiring urgent, multi-disciplinary medical treatment.
Flail chest is a serious condition where multiple rib fractures cause chest instability difficulties.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder affecting the lungs and digestive system, causing mucus buildup.
Severe respiratory failure occurs when the lungs cannot adequately exchange oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.
Acute and chronic respiratory failure occur when the lungs can’t maintain adequate oxygen levels.
Acute lung injury is a severe condition causing inflammation and impaired gas exchange in the lungs.